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Doctor IT PAS FM SBY – 10 Feb 2010: Business Directory Website

gk-logopassby-100The advantages of this online directory makes a lot of people turn to search here. You as a consumer or a company seeking the right partner is also looking at here. Where are they?

By: Mochamad Yusuf*

Kalau kita mencari sebuah produk atau layanan, sering yang dilakukan mencarinya lewat buku telpon. Itu lho buku kuning yang tebal yang diberikan gratis oleh Telkom. Di sana iklan-iklan perusahaan terbagi dalam berbagai kategori dan sub kategori.

Namun seringkali mencarinya tak begitu mudah. Karena kita harus mencari dengan tepat kategori yang pas. Kadang meski sudah memilih kategori yang tepat, juga tak ditemukan. Karena perusahaan yang memasang iklannya, salah memilih kategori.

Ini yang dijembatani oleh direktori bisnis. Sebuah perusahaan dapat masuk dalam beberapa kategori. Di internet tinggal cek kategori-kategori yang tepat. Tapi kalau buku telpon, tak mungkin memasang iklan beberapa kali di kategori yang beda kan?

Kelebihan direktori online ini yang membuat banyak orang mengalihkan pencariannya ke sini. Anda mau mencari perusahaan sebagai konsumen, mencari paling mudah di sini. Anda sebagai perusahaan mencari mitra juga tepat mencarinya di sini. Jadi media tepat juga untuk beriklan.

Apa itu direktori bisnis online? Di mana saja alamatnya? Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan mereka? Semuanya akan diperbincangkan di radio PAS FM nanti sore, Rabu 10 Februari 2010 pukul 16.00 WIB dalam acara Doctor IT.

If we find a product or service, often conducted TO looking for through the phonebook. You know the thick yellow book provided by Telkom freely. There the company ads are divided into various categories and sub categories.

But often not so easy to find. Because we have to find exactly the right category. Sometimes even the right category been selected, also not found. Because the company that advertize the ad, either wrong select a category.

This is mediated by a online business directory. A company may enter in several categories. Live on the internet check the categories right. But if the telephone book, can not be advertised several times in different categories, isn’t it?

The advantages of this online directory that makes many people turn to search here. You want to find a company as a consumer, the most easy to find here. You as a company seeking the right partner is also looking at here. So the right media to advertise too.

What’s online business directory? Where have the address (link)? What are the advantages and disadvantages of them? Everything will be discussed in the PAS FM radio this afternoon, Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 16:00 pm in the Doctor IT.

Be There! Be Success!

Doctor IT is a regular program of radio PAS FM Surabaya 104.3 FM every Wednesday at 16:00 to 17:00 pm. A show that discussed the problems of everyday IT. Peeled lightly with various tips and case studies. Also be interactive. The program hosted by Mochamad Yusuf, Senior Manager IT consultant SAM Design and guided by Roy Kumara. You can monitor it online at:

*Mochamad Yusuf is a senior IT consultant, public speaker, radio host, lecturer and website & software developer at SAM Design, Actively writing and his books have been published, “99 Jurus Sukses Mengembangkan Bisnis Lewat Internet”. You can follow his activities on his personal website,, or in his profile Facebook,

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