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The Silent Killer (2)

gk alat kesehatan 02This disease is basically caused by lifestyle rather than a virus or bacteria. Modern lifestyle that looks cool, but actually wrong. The opportunity of Indonesian to get this disease is 1:10. For urban public higher likelihood. Creepy huh? In the United States could risk even to 1:5.

By: Mochamad Yusuf*

This disease is basically caused by lifestyle rather than a virus or bacteria. Modern lifestyle that looks cool, but actually wrong. What’s that?

Like smoking. I remember Adam could spend 2 packs per day. “I can not think,” he replied when I asked why not quit smoking. Then drink, I think if this is rarely done by the people of Indonesia. Continue like coffee. It was Adam also likes to drink coffee. Cigarettes and coffee are ready-made friends. Also like to eat foods that contain lots of fat and salt.

Often stress, is another cause. Yes Adam must have experienced it, because he was a salesman who pursued the target. Last not exercise. Yes, indeed Adam said Eva rarely exercise. And once in college I used to take tennis or volleyball, which often I reject. It is not like it, but it can not exercise it, especially tennis.

This lifestyle has almost become a way of life today. I think all adults had almost run it all. I observed when I meet school friends, her stomach was bulge, including me. This must be because many high-calorie foods but not balanced with exercise.

He.. he.. I so remember the first time in college who often boasts ‘six pack’ stomach me by asking a friend to punch my stomach. It’s just part of military exercises with AKABRI (military), I would diligently push-ups and sit-ups. Now? Merely lazy.

The opportunity of Indonesian to get this disease is 1:10. For urban public higher likelihood. Creepy huh? In the United States could risk even to 1:5.

Hmm,.. I hesitated. Actually, such a simple recipe to prevent it. But why do we not do it. Everything did not need a lot of sports, especially the cost. Routine running for half an hour was a good sport. If not interrupted by strong fast walk. The important thing is constant and regular.

Indeed before marriage, I was diligent jogging. But since married and moved to this housing, I am reluctant to do so. There was a sense of embarrassment or ‘look-style’, if I do jogging. I noticed in my housing was not a neighbor jogging. Want other sports such as tennis or swimming, can not be done as often as possible. Moreover, there is the cost is not cheap.

Ah, why should hesitate if we do good. Just cool. Already, plug the MP3 player earphones, we will ignore. Especially with the song, be exhausted quickly. Cook just 10 minutes of exercise had had enough sports?

I pull the drawer of the table, I took my MP3 Player ( Tomorrow you must accompany me to keep my normal blood pressure hurt ya..

[The End]

This my writing has made presentation (powerpoint). This presentation is interesting with full sexy pictures. Suitable if you present it to a friend or colleague to break the ice or a pause before the presentation seriously. This presentation was awarded as the Featured Slideshow You can download download it here:

*Mochamad Yusuf is an online analyst, public speaker, radio host, lecturer and IT practitioner at SAM Design. Actively writing and his books have been published, “99 Jurus Sukses Mengembangkan Bisnis Lewat Internet”. You can follow his activities on his website, or in his Facebook.

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